Commission Painting
Express your personality and individuality with a painting exclusively created for you. Customise the painting by choosing the subject, colour scheme and size to suit your space. As an experienced artist, I carefully listen to your needs and preferences, ensuring that the painting perfectly matches your vision. To guarantee a high-quality painting that you will cherish forever, I only take on a limited amount of commissions at a time.
1. Your Vision
I will start by having a conversation with you about your vision and preferences. From there, I will use my expertise and passion to turn your idea into a stunning painting.
2. 50% Deposit Payment
To secure your spot, I require a 50% deposit to book your painting into my diary. This deposit ensures that I can allocate the time needed to create your masterpiece.
3. 50% Remaining Payment
Throughout the painting process I will provide updates. When the painting is complete, I will process the final 50% payment of the total fee. This is required before I ship the painting to its forever home.
Base Price
Starting price and size is £500.00 on a
8" x 8" Canvas Board.
The sizes go up to 48" x 36".
Payment Plans are available if your would like to spread the cost over a period of months. The deposit payment can be included in the payment plan.